Alter Existence: The World Within - "About" Blurb

Alter Existence: The World Within - "About" Blurb

Axel Sullivan was your typical man trying to make it in a mundane world of bad habits, new jobs, and that never-ending search for the perfect piece of ass. For him, life was in an endless routine of morning jogs, peanut butter sandwiches, 2nd shifts at a new security job and weekends out with his drunken cousin. With nicotine addiction as his only worry, Axel never really minded the monotonous existence he took part in. That was until he mysteriously wakes up in a world ruled by nature itself and his only way out is to destroy the human corruption he has been a part of for so long.

Alter Existence: The World Within - Book Cover

Alter Existence:  The World Within  - Book Cover
The book cover for the novel you are currently reading (created by yours truly)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Taking a Leap of Faith and Praying for Positive Feedback

     So here we go... my second blog has just begun and already I find myself regretting it.  This particular blog is completely dedicated to my love for writing.  I have completed one novel already and I am in the process of a second right now.  Of course, I have the endless supply of short stories and/or story starters that have went nowhere... yet... but all in due time, my friends.
     Now, back to the purpose of this blog.  I have this fear... fear of sharing my written work with anyone for fear of judgement, boredom, negative feedback, you name it.  I mean, why put myself through bearing my soul like that, leaving myself completely vulnerable? But here I am, nonetheless.  I guess what I'm wanting to do is share my works with people - complete strangers I guess.  I'm scared shitless too.  If I were to blog this, what keeps people from stealing what is important to me?  And what's the point of finally reaching my ultimate goal - to publish one of my works - if everyone has already read it?
     But... here I go.  Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. please don't regret it! i'm happy you are posting your books so that i can finally read them! i'm sure they're awesome!!! :)
